Results for 'Leo Pierre Courtines'

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  1.  17
    Bayle's Relations with England and the English.Leo Pierre Courtines - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (4):475-476.
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    Bayle's Relations with England and the English by Léo Pierre Courtines[REVIEW]George Sarton - 1940 - Isis 31:442-444.
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    Le problème de la connaissance dans la doctrine philosophique de Fr. H. Jacobi (II) b) Les formes données de la connaissance.Leo Strauss, Hans Hartje & Pierre Guglielmina - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (4):505 - 532.
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    Le problème de la connaissance dans la doctrine philosophique de Fr. H. Jacobi (I).Leo Strauss, Hans Hartje & Pierre Guglielmina - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (3):291 - 311.
  5. Herméneutique Et Ontologie Mélanges En Hommage À Pierre Aubenque, Fronimos Aner.Rémi Braque, Jean-françois Courtine & Pierre Aubenque - 1990
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  6. Pensées sur Machiavel.Leo Strauss, Michel-Pierre Edmond & Thomas Stern - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):97-99.
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    De la bonne société: L. Strauss, E. Voegelin, H. Arendt: le retour du politique en philosophie.Sylvie Courtine-Denamy - 2014 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    En ce terrible XXe siècle, celui du nihilisme achevé, du déferlement technique, des totalitarismes, de la Shoah, se soucier du monde, c'est nécessairement se trouver confronté à la question du politique dans toute sa radicalité : comment penser ou refonder dans l'immanence une communauté politique et cosmopolitique, une "société bonne", dont l'unité et la cohérence demeurent respectueuses de la pluralité? C'est en confrontant les regards et les interrogations de trois protagonistes principaux qui appartiennent à la même génération - Hannah Arendt, (...)
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  8. Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science.Nicole Zwiren, Glenn Zuraw, Ian Young, Michael A. Woodley, Jennifer Finocchio Wolfe, Nick Wilson, Peter Weinberger, Manuel Weinberger, Christoph Wagner, Georg von Wintzigerode, Matt Vogel, Alex Villasenor, Shiloh Vermaak, Carlos A. Vega, Leo Varela, Tine van der Maas, Jennie van der Byl, Paul Vahur, Nicole Turner, Michaela Trimmel, Siro I. Trevisanato, Jack Tozer, Alison Tomlinson, Laura Thompson, David Tavares, Amhayes Tadesse, Johann Summhammer, Mike Sullivan, Carl Stryg, Christina Streli, James Stratford, Gilles St-Pierre, Karri Stokely, Joe Stokely, Reinhard Stindl, Martin Steppan, Johannes H. Sterba, Konstantin Steinhoff, Wolfgang Steinhauser, Marjorie Elizabeth Steakley, Chrislie J. Starr-Casanova, Mels Sonko, Werner F. Sommer, Daphne Anne Sole, Jildou Slofstra, John R. Skoyles, Florian Six, Sibusio Sithole, Beldeu Singh, Jolanta Siller-Matula, Kyle Shields, David Seppi, Laura Seegers, David Scott, Thomas Schwarzgruber, Clemens Sauerzopf, Jairaj Sanand, Markus Salletmaier & Sackl - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (5):359-376.
    Peer review is a widely accepted instrument for raising the quality of science. Peer review limits the enormous unstructured influx of information and the sheer amount of dubious data, which in its absence would plunge science into chaos. In particular, peer review offers the benefit of eliminating papers that suffer from poor craftsmanship or methodological shortcomings, especially in the experimental sciences. However, we believe that peer review is not always appropriate for the evaluation of controversial hypothetical science. We argue that (...)
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    Le souci du monde: dialogue entre Hannah Arendt et quelques-uns de ses contemporains, Adorno, Buber, Celan, Heidegger, Horkheimer, Jaspers, Jonas, Klemperer, Levi, Levinas, Steiner, Stern-Anders, Strauss, Voegelin.Sylvie Courtine-Denamy - 1999 - Paris: Vrin.
    Nous avons choisi de faire dialoguer Hannah Arendt et quelques uns de ses contemporains: Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Gunther Stern-Anders, Martin Buber, Paul Celan, Martin Heidegger, Max Horkheimer, Karl Jaspers, Hans Jonas, Victor Klemperer, Emmanuel Levinas, Primo Levi, George Steiner, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin. Unanimes dans leur diagnostic d'une crise de l'occident, ces penseurs recusent la croyance dans le progres et les Lumieres: lorsque la Raison s'est muee en faculte destructrice du monde, lorsque la politique semble avoir perdu de vue sa (...)
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    Thoughts and Things.Leo Bersani - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Leo Bersani’s career spans more than fifty years and extends across a wide spectrum of fields—including French studies, modernism, realist fiction, psychoanalytic criticism, film studies, and queer theory. Throughout this new collection of essays that ranges, interestingly and brilliantly, from movies by Claire Denis and Jean-Luc Godard to fiction by Proust and Pierre Bergounioux, Bersani considers various kinds of connectedness. _Thoughts and Things_ posits what would appear to be an irreducible gap between our thoughts and things. Bersani departs from (...)
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    Leo Strauss et l'histoire des textes en régime de persécution.Jean-Pierre Cavaillé - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 130 (1):38.
    Toute situation de persécution a des effets sur les actions, les discours et les écrits de ceux qui en sont les victimes. Ce postulat conduit à une lecture critique de quelques - uns des traits saillants et des présupposés de « art d ' écrire entre les lignes », dont traite Leo Strauss dans son fameux essai Writing and Persecution. Le double constat de la pertinence de la méthode de lecture proposée et de son caractère problématique, inhérent à l ' (...)
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  12. Machine generated contents note: Introduction / Eve Grace and Christopher Kelly; Part I. Politics and Economics: 1. Rousseau and the illustrious Montesquieu / Christopher Kelly; 2. Political economy and individual liberty / Ryan Patrick Hanley; Part II. Science and Epistemology: 3. The presence of sciences in Rousseau's trajectory and works / Bruno Bernardi and Bernadette Bensaud-Vincent; 4. Epistemology and political perception in the case of Rousseau / Terence Marshall; Part III. The Modern or Classical, Theological or Philosophical, Foundations of Rousseau's System: 5. On the intention of Rousseau / Leo Strauss; 6. On Strauss on Rousseau / Victor Gourevitch; 7. Built on sand: moral law in Rousseau's Second Discourse / Victor Gourevitch; 8. Rousseau and Pascal / Matthew W. Maguire; Part IV. Rousseau as Educator and Legislator: 9. The measure of the possible: imagination in Rousseau's philosophical pedagogy / Richard Velkley; 10. Rousseau's French revolution / Pamela K. Jensen; 11. Ro. [REVIEW]Pierre Manent - 2012 - In Eve Grace & Christopher Kelly (eds.), The Challenge of Rousseau. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    À propos de : Courtine, Dagognet, Descombes, Gauchet, Gayon, Guenancia.Paul Audi, Christian Godin, Vincent Descombes, Didier Mineur, Jean Gayon & Pierre Guenancia - 2014 - Cités 58 (2):179.
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    Seeing things politically: interviews with Benedicte Delorme-Montini.Pierre Manent - 2014 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Bénédicte Delorme-Montini.
    These autobiographical and philosophical essays, in the form of expertly probing interviews, provide a superb introduction to the work of one of the most significant contemporary political philosophers and a marvelously readable perspective on the French intellectual and political arenas from the 1970s to the present. Those already familiar with Manent's work will find an indispensable reflection on his transition from the critique of modernity brilliantly represented in his earlier books (most notably Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy and The (...)
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    Witnesses for the future: philosophy and messianism.Pierre Bouretz - 2010 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Introduction -- The Judaism of Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) : a religion of adults -- From the night of the world to the blaze of redemption : the star of Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) -- Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) : the angel of history and the experience of the century -- Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) : the tradition, between knowledge and repair -- Martin Buber (1878-1965) : humanism in the age of the death of God -- Ernst Bloch (1885-1977) : a hermeneutics of waiting (...)
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    L’écriture réticente, condition de possibilité de la philosophie.Pierpaolo Ciccarelli & Pierre O. Juhel - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 2 (2):91-119.
    Dans cet article, je discute quatre contributions récentes sur Leo Strauss écrites par des chercheurs italiens : celles de M. Farnesi Camellone (1), de M. Menon (2), d’A. Ghibellini et la mienne (3). Il s’agit ici de clarifier les raisons pour lesquelles, dans plusieurs études italiennes des deux dernières décennies, Strauss a été étudié davantage comme philosophe que comme penseur politique au sens strict. La principale réside à mon avis dans la relation que Strauss lui-même a établie entre le « (...)
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    Brun, Catherine. Pierre Guyotat: Essai Biographique. Paris: Editions Leo Scheer, 2005. Pp. 449.Stuart Kendall - 2005 - Substance 34 (3):136-139.
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    Political Philosophy of Technology: After Leo Strauss (A Question of Sovereignty).Carl Mitcham - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (3):331-338.
    Bernard Stiegler’s contributions to political philosophy in the presence of technology are honored and complemented by imagining an encounter with the thought of Leo Strauss. The concept of sovereignty is taken as pivotal. Notions of sovereignty find expression not only in nation state politics but also in engineering and technology. Pierre Manent calls attention to further roots in Christian theology. The complexities and challenges of this interweaving point suggest the need for a “Tractatus Politico-Technologicus.”.
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    Le souci du monde. Dialogue entre Hannah Arendt et quelques-uns de ses contemporains Sylvie Courtine-Denamy Collection «Pour demain» Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1999, 231 p. [REVIEW]Patricia Nourry - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (1):190-.
    Hannah Arendt fut une philosophe de son temps. Les grands thèmes de sa réflexion se nourrissent à même le contexte social, historique et politique de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Pouvait-il en être autrement pour cette Juive, éclairée et cultivée, qui connut personnellement le tourment des sombres années annonçant et marquant la Seconde Guerre mondiale? Sylvie Courtine-Denamy a choisi de faire dialoguer Arendt et quelques autres grands intellectuels, nommons seulement Karl Jaspers, Hans Jonas, Emmanuel Levinas, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, (...)
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    Pierre Rosanvallon, Democratic Legitimacy: Impartiality, Reflexivity, Proximity, Translated by Arthur Goldhammer, Princeton: Princeton University Press, (2011), 2015, 235 hlm. [REVIEW]Ito Prajna-Nugroho - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (1):98.
    Sejak 2001 Collége de France, lembaga pendidikan tinggi Prancis paling bergengsi yang berisi para filsuf dan pemikir terkenal dari berbagai bidang, menginisiasi munculnya sebuah fakultas baru. Modern and Contemporary History of the Political adalah nama fakultas baru tersebut. Pierre Rossanvallon, seorang ahli filsafat politik dan penulis buku yang produktif, didaulat sebagai Guru Besar untuk yang pertama kali dan masih menjabat hingga saat ini. Nama fakultas tersebut rupanya sejalan dengan perkembangan termutakhir dalam kajian filsafat politik, yaitu penelaahan kembali asas-asas politik (...)
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    Thomists at War: Pierre Mandonnet, Étienne Gilson, and the Contested Relationship between Aquinas's and Dante's Thought (1879-2021). [REVIEW]George Corbett - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1053-1096.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomists at War:Pierre Mandonnet, Étienne Gilson, and the Contested Relationship between Aquinas's and Dante's Thought (1879-2021)*George CorbettAt the turn of 1921, the French Dominican Pierre Mandonnet (1858–1936) helped to launch a new historical institute for Thomistic Studies at the Dominican study house of Le Saulchoir in Belgium. One of the pressing purposes of the foundation of the Institut historique d'études thomistes was to provide a properly historical (...)
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  22.  32
    Pierre Bayle and the Red Herring.Antony McKenna - 2015 - In Winfried Schröder (ed.), Reading Between the Lines - Leo Strauss and the History of Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 193-220.
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    Léo Strauss: art d'écrire, politique, philosophie: texte de 1941.Laurent Jaffro & Adrien Barrot (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    "Leo Strauss: une bibliographie / Jean-Pierre Delange"--P. [279]-316.
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    Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle.Pierre Klossowski (ed.) - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    Recognized as a masterpiece of Nietzsche scholarship, NIETZSCHE AND THE VICIOUS CIRCLE is available here for the first time in English. Author Pierre Klossowski suggests that Nietzsche's ideas and beliefs did not stem from his personal pathology, but rather were applied in a pathological manner. Thereby Nietzsche's beliefs resonated dynamically and intellectually with his alternating lucidity and delirium.
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    Le tracce dell'ateo: Da Lessius a Descartes via Vanini, Mersenne e Petit.Emanuela Scribano - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:677-698.
    Mersenne presented Descartes with a series of objections to the Meditations. A careful analysis of these objections can throw light on the theological context in which those criticisms were grounded. Mersenne’s objections reproduce theses already advanced in the Quaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim. In this work, in which he intended to refute Vanini, Mersenne used some proofs of the existence of God derived from the Jesuit Lessius, and already used by Vanini himself. These same proofs, together with others developed by Mersenne, (...)
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  26. Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle.Pierre Klossowski & Daniel W. Smith - 1999 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 18:84-89.
  27.  23
    Semantic Web and Big Data meets Applied Ontology.Leo Obrst, Michael Gruninger, Ken Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Dan Brickley, Gary Berg-Cross, Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz, Christine Kapp, Oliver Kutz, Christoph Lange, Anatoly Levenchuk, Francesca Quattri, Alan Rector, Todd Schneider, Simon Spero, Anne Thessen, Marcela Vegetti, Amanda Vizedom, Andrea Westerinen, Matthew West & Peter Yim - 2014 - Applied ontology 9 (2):155-170.
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  28.  37
    What is political philosophy?Leo Strauss - 1973 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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    Writing: The Political Test.Claude Lefort - 2000 - Duke University Press.
    Writing involves risks—the risk that one will be misunderstood, the risk of being persecuted, the risks of being made a champion for causes in which one does not believe, this risk of inadvertently supporting a reader’s prejudices, to name a few. In trying to give expression to what is true, the writer must “clear a passage within the agitated world of passions,” an undertaking that always to some extent fails: writers are never the master of their own speech. In _Writing: (...)
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  30. Dictionnaire historique et critique.Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.Pierre Duhem, Friedrich Adler & Ernst Mach - 1998 - Meiner, F.
    Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) gehörte zu jenen Wissenschaftlern, die im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert an der Umbildung der Physik im großen Stil arbeiteten und damit an der Vorbereitung der wissenschaftlichen Revolution beteiligt waren, die durch Planck und Einstein herbeigeführt wurde. Duhems klassisches Werk der modernen Wissenschaftstheorie hat auf die Entwicklung des logischen Empirismus nachhaltigen Einfluß ausgeübt. Das von Duhem beigezogene reichhaltige Material und seine konzisen Fallstudien stellen eine Fundgrube für jeden dar, der sich ernsthaft mit Wissenschaftstheorie beschäftigt.
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    Olympism: Selected Writings.Pierre de Frédy Coubertin, Pierre de Coubertin, Norbert Müller & International Olympic Committee - 2000 - Lausanne, Switzerland : International Olympic Committee.
    Compilation of the most important documents and speeches by Pierre de Coubertin on Olympism and the Olympic Games.
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    David Hilbert and the axiomatization of physics (1894–1905).Leo Corry - 1997 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 51 (2):83-198.
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  34. The Argument and the Action of Plato's Laws.Leo Strauss - 1976 - Political Theory 4 (2):239-242.
  35. Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem.Stanley L. Jaki & Pierre Duhem - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (3):406-408.
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  36. Marsilius of Padua.Leo Strauss - 1972 - In Leo Strauss & Joseph Cropsey (eds.), History of political philosophy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 243.
  37.  46
    Montesquieu et la crise du droit naturel moderne.Céline Spector - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 77 (1):65.
    Les séminaires dispensés par Leo Strauss au Département de Sciences Politiques de l’Université de Chicago en 1965-1966 sont demeurés inédits à ce jour. Consacrés à L’Esprit des lois et aux Lettres persanes, ces cours offrent une interprétation forte et subtile de l’œuvre, qui a connu un retentissement majeur en raison des travaux de certains disciples (David Lowenthal, Thomas Pangle, Pierre Manent, Paul Rahe). L’exégèse straussienne mérite donc d’être mieux connue : elle ouvre la voie d’une analyse de la politique (...)
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    Spinoza: Kunstnere uten estetikk?Pierre Zaoui - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (2-3):88-103.
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    Wolfson of Harvard: Portrait of a Scholar.Leo Walder Schwarz - 1978 - Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America.
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    Current Ethical Issues in Polish HRM.Leo V. Ryan - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):273-290.
    Contemporary HRM was introduced into Poland by the arrival of international corporations with their professional systems of Human Resource Management, which emphasizes ethical personnel management. This research is based on data collected from a questionnaire and interview of 40 women and men professional graduates of the 2004 Weekend MBA Program at Poznan University of Economics eliciting their perceptions of ethical issues in Polish HRM. The present Polish economic situation, with 19% unemployment, precipitates many ethical challenges. The questionnaire and interviews resulted (...)
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    Vico and Literary Mannerism: A Study in the Early Vico and His Idea of Rhetoric and Ingenuity.Leo Catana - 1999 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Shows how Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) picked up ideas on metaphor and ingenuity from the literary rhetoric of the age and turned them into valuable concepts in a general theory of knowledge and the philosophy of history for which he is now mainly known. Also shows how his original position enabled him to criticize Descartes' idea of rationality. Appends translations of relevant passages from contemporary writers. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  42. Bericht über die Fonds der Kant Gesellschaft.Werner Leo - 1920 - Kant Studien 25:78.
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  43. Festschrift Albert Brackmann dargebracht von freunden.Leo Santifaller (ed.) - 1931 - Weimar,: H. Böhlaus nachf., g. m. b. h..
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  44. Jak Alfarabi czytał Prawa Platona.Leo Strauss - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (21).
  45. O Polityce Arystotelesa.Leo Strauss - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (2):126-151.
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  46. Preface to Hobbes politische Wissenschaft.Leo Strauss - 1979 - Interpretation 8 (1):1-3.
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  47. Ethics, Money, and Finance in the Late Scholastics: Francisco Suárez on Taxation.León M. Gómez Rivas - 2022 - In Leopoldo J. Prieto López & José Luis Cendejas Bueno (eds.), Projections of Spanish Jesuit Scholasticism on British Thought: New Horizons in Politics, Law and Rights. Boston: BRILL.
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    Praxiology and pragmatism.Leo V. Ryan, F. Byron Nahser & Wojciech Gasparski (eds.) - 2002 - New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
    Volume 10 in this distinguished series addresses two distinct but interrelated philosophical movements, which exemplify different approaches to the study of ...
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    Logical examination of physical theory.Pierre Duhem - 1990 - Synthese 83 (2):183 - 188.
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    Martin Heidegger : cahier.Michel Haar - 1983 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    Lire Heidegger, c'est relire autrement tout ce que nous lisons. Ce Cahier invite à mieux comprendre la pensée heideggérienne autours des thèmes principaux qu'il aborde.Des essais, témoignages et lettres retracent l'impacte de sa pensée dans la culture moderne.Textes de : Walter Biemel, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ernst Jünger, Roger Munier, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Herbert Marcuse, Jean-Luc Marion, John Sallis, David Farrel Krell, Jean-François Courtine, Jean Beauffret, Dominique Janicaud, Otto Pöggeler, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Jean-Pierre Charcosset, F. Wybrands, Jacques Taminiaux, Hubert L. Dreyfus, (...)
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